Thursday, January 28, 2010

:: WYTWYA ::

What you think is what You are. That's right.
How does your current existence is the embodiment and the accumulation of what you think about all the time in your life. But the accuracy of that statement is like we judge a person by looking of his way to tie his shoes, or put on his tie. Assessment and valuation is never perfect, because it still moves with the formation and configuration of the thoughts that there is exist around us.

For that, form the rest of your existence would be, before face the God at the end.

Bagaimana keberadaan anda sekarang ini merupakan pengejawantahan dan akumulasi apa yang anda pikirkan selama ini. Namun akurasi dari pernyataan itu, ibarat kita menilai seseorang dari caranya mengikat tali sepatu, atau memasang dasinya. Penilaian tidak pernah sempurna, karena tetap bergerak sesuai formasi dan konfigurasi pikiran-pikiran yang ada

Untuk itu, bentuklah sisa keberadaan anda nantinya, sebelum menghadapNya.


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